30+ Tasks To-Do During Winter on the Homestead

I shared in my last blog post how the winter homestead season is the perfect time to plan and dream what you'll be focusing on the coming year - but there's more to do during the cooler months than just rest and list your dreams for the next growing season.

I like to balance the cold winter months with SOME productivity still. Some of the items on this list are things that I just lack the extra time for during the warmer months, while others are specifically needing to be done during this dormant season.

The to-do list is broken down into 4 main categories:

— For the Garden/Orchard
— For the Livestock
— For the House/Pantry
— Miscellaneous

Everything I list in the above categories are annual tasks -- meaning they pretty much get done every year. I always end up with a few little things specific just to this year too that aren't necessarily repeating. For example: Since this is our first winter on our new property, there have been several new things that have come up while doing homestead chores we needed to address (like fixing water lines, minor electrical problems heating water troughs, tweaks to our wood stove, etc.) Once these are done though, they shouldn't need to be next winter!

By the way — I have a free printable PDF version of this list you can download too at the end of this post.

Okay, let's dive in!

For The Garden/Orchard:

  • Inventory & order seeds you need for next year's garden

  • Order onion starts

  • Order seed potatoes

  • Find/Collect/Wash/Buy Seed Starting Items

    Soil blockers or cells, trays, domes or plastic to cover, potting soil, spray bottles, lights, fertilizer, shelves, etc. — use my code HOMESTEAD for 10% off.

  • Make a budget for what transplants you plan to buy & start setting aside $ each week

  • Start designing your vegetable garden layout

  • Make a rough list/schedule of seeds to start for each month

  • Order bare-root fruit trees/plants

  • Build compost pile as soiled bedding and food waste accumulates

  • Order any other garden items you’d like

    Landscape fabric, bug netting, new tools, irrigation, etc. — use my code HOMESTEAD for 10% off.

  • Prune fruit trees (late winter/at the end of the season)

  • Clear/prep cold frame for early planting

For the Livestock:

  • Butcher any larger animals (such as beef and pigs)

  • Plan out meat chicken (or duck or turkey…) schedule for the year and get your order(s) into the hatchery

  • Secure baby livestock needs (feeder piglets, lambs, + LGDs often have waitlists!)

  • Clean brooder space and clean/find heat source, feeders, & waterers

  • If weather allows, do minor structure + fencing repairs

  • Inventory, organize, & restock animal first aid supplies

    Of course, depending on where you live you may have the potential to do more lengthy winter projects. Here in the north, we're limited to things we can do with frozen, covered ground. I sometimes envy those in the south who have the ability to use the winter time for fencing or other outdoor projects!

For the House/Pantry:

  • Deep cleaning
    I know, it's not very exciting.. but it’s definitely necessary after months of neglect + the heavier wear and tear from everyone being inside more!

  • Purge all the things

  • Keep pantry organized & rotate through food stock - both freezer and canned/dried goods

  • Start a list of gaps in food supply to adjust next year’s growing efforts

  • Inventory and restock emergency supplies/gas needed for power outages


  • Practice new homestead skills such as sewing, baking, or candle making

  • Organize garage/workshop

  • Tap trees for sap

  • Canning

    Now is a great time to refill jars back up as you empty them with items from the freezer or a batch of beans or stock

  • Plan out schedules and budgets for the year’s projects

  • Repair/sharpen any tools & equipment

CLICK HERE to download your printable PDF to use throughout the winter season!

I hope this was helpful and gave you a little bit of inspiration or at least a starting point of the different ways you can still make good use of your time during the cold season!


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